Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hello World (:

Hello Boys, Girls, and every living organism!

My name is Kelsey! I'm a sophomore and I'm just trying to get through my hectic, drama filled life. I've gone through a lot this year and I finally thought it was writing about my troubles and solutions would be interesting to other people.
I'm not your average girl, I don't enjoy shopping, I rather play video games and hang with my drama nerds. Oh yeah, I love musical theatre, so most of the crap on here will be about Drama club and the drama that goes with it. I got my first lead in a musical this year, and well its a lot harder then it looks, also I'm dealing with my first break up, with a boy who's in the musical. It's much harder to move on when your ex is everywhere you look.
Also, I do plan to write about people in here but I'm not dumb, All names will be changed, if I write something bad about them of course, so I can write about who and what I want to write about. But, this year is a year of change, and here I plan write about my day to day struggles and triumphs. Well world, I think this is enough reading for you today, hope you find me somewhat interesting. Can't wait to write some more!

Also, check out Grant's blog:'s my awesome freshie Love, which my link was dedicated to.

Love and Rockets,
Kelsey (:

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